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Bloomin' Botanicals

Bloomin' Botanicals


This week sees the start of the great floral spectacular that is the Chelsea Flower Show.    It is a joyously British time of year and an opportunity to see the Queen in a lovely pastel coloured hat and Alan Titschmarsh in his finery as opposed to his usual gardening gear.  The first ever flower show organised by the Royal Horticultural Society was over a hundred years ago in 1913.  Held in the grounds of those familiar red-coated Chelsea Pensioners - the Royal Hospital London - it is still the most prestigious flower show in the UK despite now not being the biggest - a mantel that has gone to the Hampton Court Flower show.

The grounds of the Royal Hospital are transformed into another world(s) with gardeners from around the world competing to present the best most imaginative gardens.  Some boasting well being with plants with healing properties (A Modern Apothecary for St John's Hospice), Nick Bailey's ‘The Winton Beauty of Mathematics', "is a celebration of the beauty to be found in the mathematics and algorithms that underpin all plants, growth and life." (source RHS website) One of my favourites (from the pictures I have seen online I must point out) is the clever Garage Garden by Artisans Gardens and designer Kazuyuki Ishihara.  If all urban planning factored this clever integration of plant and real life, the world would be so much prettier.  

Garage Garden by Artisan Gardens designed by Kazuyuki Ishihara

So in celebration of all things botanical, I have put together a feature based loosely on this flora and fauna theme - albeit with a slight tropical edge.  Featuring some gorgeous decorations and knick-knackery for home, jewellery, bags (well of course), clothes and fragrances.  And while many of us won't have a chance to get to the Chelsea Flower Show in person, see the links below for a link to the many beautiful gardens on display this year.  And lucky for those of us residing in Singapore we are  blessed to have our very own Botanical Gardens and from the 28th May til June 5th, for 'Heritage Week', there are tons of (free!) activities (for kids and adults), concerts, plant sales and talks to attend. Details below.  Enjoy XOXO

Bloomin' Botanicals

Click above product to view in a larger size.  Shopping and image source credits as follows, starting top left and working clockwise:

1) Indi Nyah - a gorgeous range of candles, body lotions and hand washes with divine smells.  Singapore based company.

2) Have year-round flowers in bloom with a potted silk plant or other flowers from Silk Flowers Singapore

3) Buy original antique floral prints available from Panteek

4) Be bold with your bag colour choices - choose our Suki Snakeskin in lotus pink or the Nell Calf in canary yellow.

5) Find (free) vintage botanical images to make into lovely pictures like this one from Pintrest / Swivel Chair Media

6) Uniqlo and Liberty of London have teamed up to offer a range of adult and children's clothing using their iconic prints.  Shop it here.

7) Add some flutter to your bag with one of our Get Knotted Pompom or Tassel keyrings/bag charms.  Available in lots of different colourways here.

8) Search Pintrest or Vintage Printable for free images to download like these butterflies.

9) Aviaria Coasters from Cluny Court's Bungalow 55 - available in store or online.

10) Miller Harris perfumes, colognes and candles are available from their website and stores.

11) Alex Monroe's quintessentially British jewellery is available online here - he is offering 25% off selected lines in celebration of the Chelsea Flower Show.

The illustration of the tropical flowers and leaves featured in this post were designed by Freepik.

Chelsea Flower Show - read more about it here

Singapore Botanical Gardens - read more about it hereHeritage Week runs from May 28th to June 5th - with free concerts, performances, free entry to the Orchid garden, plant sales, free arts and crafts for children as well as talks too.  Don't miss it!